Thursday, July 3, 2008

New Beginnings

After some new changes within my guild, and the lacking activity on Tortheldrin, my wife and I, after a bit of discussion, have decided to move on from our realm and guild to reroll to a new server. Leaving our numerous characters, alts and friends behind, we look to the future as we try out the other side of WoW as members of the Horde, as well as on a server with more than 40 people on at one time...

While I no longer will be playing Dakeyras, I will continue the blog following my steps as Ragnovar my Tauren Warrior (always wanted a Tauren tank! ... that and a raptor) and his gradual progression to 70, leveling as Protection spec along with my wife's new Paladin. I plan to continue following the tanking scene and my favorite blogs, and offer my 2 pence on various topics as well as recounting past adventures on my my first love, Dakeyras.

For those of you who are interested, we are moving to Spinebreaker, so if you find your self on that server, send me a shout on Ragnovar.

- Ragnovar

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