So it's sort of become a bit of a running joke in Zodiac about my shoulders, but lady luck is yet to award me with an upgrade in that area... atleast one that I would accept that is.
From day uno, since getting into tanking, there is a serious lack of good tanking shoulders in the game, in my opinion. I think, like most people (tank or not), I started with the
[Warchief's Mantle] from a Caverns of Time quest chain at around level 66 or so, and man are they ugly. You can point them out a mile off, if you see someone with them on its like "oh.. I remember those CoT shoulders" and your heart goes out to the poor soul (bad enough when paired with the yellow Felsteel set). But the looks (and stats) from there don't much improve. Back during the old Karazhan attunement process, Shadow Labyrinth's was a popular instance for Pugs and guild runs alike, so much that I'm nearly exalt from regular runs alone, and haven't been to the place since the attunement requirement was removed. So it was only time till I got the Dungeon Set 3 shoulders
[Shoulderguards of the Bold] which I picked it just for the giggles of having the come D3 set alone (again, uggggggly!).
Cutting to the chase, there are (including the above) a total of 5 choices of shoulders before you get into the serious tier stuff:
The stats on most of them are pretty average with their level, and the Warchief's is probably the best bet for any new tank time/effort-wise should have at the very least. But other than the defense rating being the only stand out stat, I out right refuse to wear any of those pauldrons when
[Gladiator's Plate Shoulders] are so easily accessible to anyone. Like a crazy elderly women and her cats, some see me as the crazy tank with the S1 shoulders jacked with stamina gems, but those beauties have taken me so far, I really can't see why I would trade them out, even comparable to T4 ones, my heart still says S1 shoulders.
Yet now my guild has convinced me we will soon be onto Void Reaver and I can look forward to the T5
[Destroyer Shoulderguards], am thinking I would get them on sympathy DKP if there is such a thing.
But for now, I'll have to keep my chin up and ignore all the little jokes at my shoulder's expense, while I gem up my new S2 tanking shoulders.
- Dakeyras